Using SASH Club Power Topics

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Please do not alter or revise any SASH Club Power Topics slides or use the SASH Club logo on additional content you may create.

Look for more SASH Club Power Topics coming soon….

Meanwhile, contact us with questions or feedback on the current presentations and to suggest new topics.

  • Knowledge is power. Select from the following slide-formatted .pdf presentations below to start the discussion about ending sexual harassment and assault. Choose the topics that most interest you. Preview and download one or more of them, then organize activities to make change in your community.

  • Each interactive presentation runs approximately 30 minutes with discussion breaks. Some of the SASH Club Power Topics may have additional files to download, including presenter notes and one or more short videos to show during the presentation.

SASH Club Power Topics

NOTE: SASH Club Power Topics may include sensitive content that may be difficult to present and may possibly be triggering to some participants. You should preview all content with an adult advisor or other knowledgeable person before presenting to others.

Boundaries and Consent

Sexual Harassment Defined and its Impact on Students

Rape Culture: Ending Victim Blaming

Acquaintance Rape and Rape Myths

Teen Dating Violence

Alcohol & Date Rape Drugs

What is Sextortion?

Title IX Basics

Limits to Confidentiality When Reporting Harassment

Know What to Do When Sexually Assaulted

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students

Activism Basics: How to Advocate, Influence, Communicate, Organize

Sexual Harassment and Assault Happen to Males Too

Sexual Harassment and Assault of Students with Disabilities

How to Reform or Abolish School Dress Codes

Sexual Misconduct by School Employees

Additional Activites for Your Club

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